“Democracy dies with Dershowitz.” | Crooked Media
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January 30, 2020
Pod Save America
“Democracy dies with Dershowitz.”

In This Episode

Trump’s defense team argues that the President can do anything to get elected, Republicans close in on the votes to block witnesses, and a SuperPAC makes the case that Bernie isn’t electable. Then Senator Amy Klobuchar joins to talk about impeachment and her closing argument, and Crooked Media Content Chief Tanya Somanader discusses the new and improved VoteSaveAmerica.com


Show Notes


  • Politico: Senators pelt Trump’s lawyers and impeachment managers with questions
  • FiveThirtyEight: The Senate Trial Moves To Its Questions Phase, But The Biggest Question Is Still About Witnesses
  • CNBC: Trump impeachment defense wraps up after less than allotted 24 hours
  • NYT: Impeachment Trial Highlights: Trump’s Lawyers Confront Bolton Allegations and Conclude Defense
  • NYT: What to Watch For in Trump’s Impeachment Trial on Tuesday
  • Politico: Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose Trump’s use of executive privilege to muzzle witnesses
  • CNN: Poll: 75% of voters want witnesses for Senate impeachment trial
  • Quinnipiac: 75% Of Voters Say Allow Witnesses In Senate Impeachment Trial, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; 53% Say President Trump Not Telling Truth About Ukraine
  • FiveThirtyEight: Half Of Americans Think Impeachment Is A Bad Use Of Congress’s Time
  • YouGov: Yahoo News/YouGov: America wants impeachment witnesses
  • NYT: Republicans are growing confident they will block witnesses and win a speedy acquittal.
  • ABC News: Trump pressures GOP senators on witnesses after McConnell warns he needs votes
  • Salon: Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial
  • Politico: Senate Republicans calm down after Bolton panic
  • NBC News: Romney, Collins say Bolton report strengthens case for witnesses, makes them increasingly likely
  • Colorado Politics: BREAKING: Gardner says he doesn’t want to hear from more impeachment witnesses
  • WSJ: McConnell Says GOP Doesn’t Have Votes to Block Impeachment Witnesses
  • WaPo: McConnell tells senators he doesn’t yet have votes to block witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
  • CNN: GOP senators up for reelection are concerned about a drawn-out trial
  • Politico: Toomey appears unlikely to back witnesses
  • The Hill: Manchin in a follow up with reporters
  • Axios: Manchin says he believes Hunter Biden is relevant impeachment witness
  • The Hill: Schumer shoots down GOP proposal to swap Bolton-for-Biden testimony trade
  • CNN: Impeachment state of play: Will the Senate call witnesses? It’s fluid.
  • WaPo: Toomey discusses a ‘one-for-one’ witness deal in Trump impeachment amid Bolton revelations, officials say
  • WaPo: Biden says he refuses to be part of impeachment witness deal
  • The Hill: Democrats shoot down talk of Bolton, Hunter Biden witness swap
  • Politico: Trump claims Bolton book is ‘classified national security’
  • CNN: White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book
  • NYT: Republican senator proposes a possible solution to the Bolton problem.
  • NYT: Bolton Book Puts New Focus on Trump’s Actions in Turkey and China Cases
  • Herald-Tribune: Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly tells Sarasota crowd ‘I believe John Bolton’
  • NYT: Bolton Was Concerned That Trump Did Favors for Autocratic Leaders, Book Says
  • NYT: Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book Says


  • Politico: New poll: Biden, Sanders running neck-and-neck in Iowa
  • FiveThirtyEight: Why These Might Be The Most Competitive Iowa Caucuses Ever
  • CNN: Why expectations matter in Iowa
  • FiveThirtyEight: Election Update: Sanders Is Pulling Closer To Biden, But He’s Still Got A Ways To Go
  • NYT: Are Democratic Voters Truly Divided by Ideology?
  • NYT: What Are 2020 Democrats Saying to Iowans in Facebook Ads?
  • NYT: Pro-Israel Democratic Super PAC to Air Attack Ads Against Bernie Sanders
  • NYT: Super PAC Attacks Sanders in an Ad. Sanders Raises $1.3 Million in a Day.
  • NYT: In Iowa, the ‘Not Sanders’ Democrats Find Voters Torn
  • HuffPo: Bernie Sanders’ Electability Is On The Ballot In Iowa Caucuses
  • The Nation: The Electability Argument Is Really About Party Unity
  • WaPo: The Trailer: Warren and Klobuchar get more frank about electability
  • AP: Democrats Struggle With How Directly to Knock Sanders
  • WSJ: 2020 Democrats Emphasize Electability in Iowa’s Closing Days
  • The Atlantic: Bernie Can’t Win
  • NYT Op-Ed: Bernie Could Win the Nomination. Should We Be Afraid?
  • WaPo: Sanders might actually be the Democratic nominee. Nobody knows if he’s electable.
  • Vox: Bernie Sanders can unify Democrats and beat Trump in 2020
  • NYT: Elizabeth Warren’s Iowa Pivot: From Her Plans to Her Plan to Win
  • NY Mag: Running Bernie Sanders Against Trump Would Be an Act of Insanity
  • NYT: Biden Aides Weigh Pursuing an Iowa Caucus Alliance With Klobuchar
  • CNN: Klobuchar says she’s not directing supporters to do anything after Biden aides float Iowa caucus alliance
  • WaPo: Biden, Sanders allies have spoken to Andrew Yang’s campaign about caucus night cooperation
  • CBS: Andrew Yang says he’s been approached by other campaigns for Iowa caucus alliance
  • NYT: How People of Color Inside the Buttigieg Campaign Sought to Be Heard
  • NYT: On the Day Democrats Vote in Iowa, Trump Plans to Flood the Zone