“Everyone was in the loop.” | Crooked Media
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November 25, 2019
Pod Save America
“Everyone was in the loop.”

In This Episode

The impeachment inquiry moves to a new phase, Republican Congressman Devin Nunes may be implicated in the scandal he’s supposed to be investigating, and Michael Bloomberg officially enters the Democratic primary. Then Democratic digital strategist Tara McGowan talks to Dan about why Democrats need to focus more on digital advertising.

Show notes

Impeachment Updates 

  • CNN: Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden 
  • CNBC: Giuliani associate wants to testify that Nunes aides hid Ukraine meetings on Biden dirt from Schiff 
  • Daily Beast: Lev Parkas Helped Rep. Devin Nunes’ Investigations
  • Vox: Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas 
  • WaPo: Top House Democrat says ethics probe of Nunes is likely over alleged meeting with Ukrainian about Bidens 
  • ABC News: House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas 
  • LA Times: California’s Nunes, impeachment inquisitor, dodges question over alleged meeting with Ukrainian ex-prosecutor 
  • Axios: Nunes suggests CNN, Daily Beast committed crimes with reporting on Ukraine prosecutor 
  • Politico: Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely
  • Bloomberg: Nunes Defiant as Giuliani Associate Connects Him With Biden Dirt
  • NYT: New Documents Reveal Details of Pompeo’s Role in Ukraine Affair 
  • Vox: As Pompeo faces scrutiny over his role in Ukraine, documents further tie him to Giuliani 
  • WSJ: Trump’s Assistant Put Giuliani in Touch With Pompeo in March, Documents Show
  • Daily Beast: Trump’s Gatekeeper Put Rudy in Touch With Pompeo: Emails
  • NPR: State Department Files Show Giuliani, Pompeo Contact Before Ukraine Ambassador’s Exit
  • Slate: Documents Show Giuliani-Pompeo Contacts Before Ukraine Ambassador’s Ouster
  • WaPo: Schiff says Democrats will press forward despite lack of testimony from key impeachment witnesses 
  • WaPo: White House review turns up emails showing extensive effort to justify Trump’s decision to block Ukraine military aid 
  • BLOOMBERG: Giuliani Says Biden Documents Released ‘If I Disappear’
  • Business Insider: Rudy Giuliani says he has ‘files’ on the Bidens that will be released ‘if I disappear’
  • Politico: Giuliani: Talk of having an ‘insurance policy’ on Trump is sarcasm 
  • ABC News: Before working with Giuliani, Ukrainian official hired Trump-linked lobbyist to relay anti-Biden claims in US
  • LA Times: Rudy Giuliani’s motivations come into sharper focus in newly released documents
  • NYT: The Double-Barreled Dream World of Trump and His Enablers 
  • NY Mag: Fusion GPS Lights a Candle for the ‘Pee Tape’
  • Mother Jones: Trump Keeps Pushing His Ridiculous “CrowdStrike” Theory. Not Even Fox Is Buying It. 
  • NYT: Trump’s Long List of Inaccurate Statements on ‘Fox & Friends’ 
  • CNN: Trump makes at least 18 false claims in ranting Fox & Friends interview 
  • Axios: Trump repeats Ukraine conspiracy theory on 53-minute “Fox & Friends” call
  • Politico: ‘A lot of things are the matter with me’: The best lines from Trump’s Fox interview 
  • NYT: Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
  • Axios: Senators briefed that CrowdStrike theory is Russian-backed disinformation campaign 
  • Politico: Graham requests Biden-Ukraine records from State Department
  • WaPo: Graham launches probe of Bidens, Burisma and Ukraine 
  • CNN: Graham asks State Department for documents related to the Bidens and Ukraine
  • HuffPo: Lindsey Graham Begins Senate Investigation Into The Bidens 
  • WaPo: Joe Biden unloads on Lindsey Graham amid signs GOP senators will target Hunter  
  • NYT: Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts 
  • Vox: An inspector general reportedly finds that FBI employee altered a document in Russia investigation 
  • WaPo: Justice Dept. watchdog finds political bias did not taint top officials running the FBI’s Russia probe but documents errors 
  • WaPo: Justice Dept. inspector general’s draft Russia report finds FBI lawyer may have altered document
  • CNN:  Exclusive: Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
  • Politico: Inspector general report on FBI’s Trump-Russia probe due out in December 
  • The Hill: Kennedy on Russia probe IG report: ‘I’m not going to draw conclusions based on the anonymous source’
  • Wired: The GOP Is Mired in Conspiracies—and It’s About to Get Worse 
  • WaPo: The 24 defenses Trump’s allies have floated on Ukraine and impeachment
  • WaPo: Trump opens up Camp David as an ‘adult playground’ to woo GOP lawmakers during impeachment
  • WaPo: White House review turns up emails showing extensive effort to justify Trump’s decision to block Ukraine military aid
  • CNN: What to expect this week in impeachment deliberations” 
  • Reuters: Senior Democrat says next step underway in Trump impeachment probe
  • The Hill: Democrats look to next steps in impeachment
  • Politico: Vulnerable Democrats spooked by GOP impeachment ad onslaught
  • Politico: Questions over next steps as Judiciary moves into impeachment spotlight
  • NBC News: Officials handed the House a pile of evidence for impeachment
  • WSJ: House Judiciary Committee Awaits Impeachment Report as Proceedings Move to Next Stage
  • NYT: Legal Experts Say U.S. Court Ruling on White House Counsel Could Encourage Witnesses to Talk in Impeachment Probe
  • LA Times: Will John Bolton fill in the gaps on Ukraine as an impeachment witness?
  • NYT: The Impeachment Witnesses Not Heard
  • AP: Absent witnesses close to Trump hover over impeachment
  • CNN: House Democrats move closer to impeaching Trump
  • Talking Points Memo: Adam Schiff Seems to Agree
  • Talking Points Memo: Read This
  • CNN: Schiff doesn’t rule out impeachment articles on matters beyond Ukraine
  • Politico: Impeachment is about to get a Robert Mueller reprise
  • NYT: Impeachment Investigators Exploring Whether Trump Lied to Mueller
  • WaPo: House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller, its general counsel told a federal appeals court 


  • WaPo: Mike Bloomberg enters Democratic campaign for president
  • NYT: Michael Bloomberg Joins 2020 Democratic Field for President
  • Politico: Michael Bloomberg launches campaign for president
  • NBC News: Bloomberg vows to refuse donations, presidential salary
  • NYT: Bloomberg Prepares Huge TV Blitz, Reserving $30 Million in Ads
  • FiveThirtyEight: How Michael Bloomberg’s Late Bid For The Democratic Nomination Could Go
  • Politico: History Says Bloomberg 2020 Would Be a Sure Loser
  • WaPo: Can Bloomberg’s unconventional strategy win a Democratic nomination?
  • NY Mag: Bloomberg to Follow the Not-So-Successful Giuliani Strategy in the Primaries
  • CNN: Bernie Sanders knocks Bloomberg’s 2020 announcement
  • The Daily Beast: In Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren Has Finally Found a 2020 Dem to Attack
  • The Hill: Sanders says he’s ‘disgusted’ by Bloomberg’s $30 million ad buy
  • CNBC: Wall Street execs line up behind Mike Bloomberg–which could hurt fundraising for Biden, others
  • Politico: The left smells a rat in Bloomberg, Patrick bids 
  • NYT: How Deval Patrick and Michael Bloomberg Could Alter the 2020 Race
  • Politico: ‘The new candidate of the young elite’: Buttigieg battles Biden and Bloomberg for the center lane
  • Politico: Wall Streeters may love Bloomberg, but most don’t think he’s got a real shot
  • Vox: A Michael Bloomberg presidential run is unlikely to help moderate Democrats’ cause
  • Axios: Bloomberg News outlines how it will cover Mike Bloomberg’s candidacy
  • WaPo: Bloomberg apologizes for stop-and-frisk ahead of likely presidential run