“How Trump can win.” | Crooked Media
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October 19, 2020
Pod Save America
“How Trump can win.”

In This Episode

Trump attacks Dr. Fauci and science as his campaign descends into chaos and recriminations, but both the Trump and Biden campaigns still see a path to victory for the President. Rudy Giuliani recycles smears against the Biden family, and Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes talks to Jon Favreau about how the race looks in one of the most important battleground states.


Show Notes


Trump World in Disarray

  • NYT: Trump Runs the Kind of Campaign He Likes, but Not the One He Might Need
  • Daily Beast: Trump Is Taking Down Names as Republicans Begin Jumping Ship on His ‘Totally Off the Rails’ Campaign
  • WaPo: Trump aides seek to set aside division and plan for final sprint to Election Day
  • Axios: Scoop: Trump’s advisers brace for loss, point fingers
  • CNN: Former White House chief of staff tells friends that Trump ‘is the most flawed person’ he’s ever met
  • NYT: Fearing a ‘Blood Bath,’ Republican Senators Begin to Edge Away From Trump
  • NYT: Slamming Trump, G.O.P. Senator Warns of a ‘Republican Blood Bath’
  • Axios: The top Republicans who aren’t voting for Trump in 2020
  • Daily Beast: Trump Is Taking Down Names as Republicans Begin Jumping Ship on His ‘Totally Off the Rails’ Campaign
  • NYT: Trump Runs the Kind of Campaign He Likes, but Not the One He Might Need
  • WaPo: Trump aides seek to set aside division and plan for final sprint to Election Day
  • Axios: Scoop: Trump’s advisers brace for loss, point fingers
  • NYT: How Trump’s Billion-Dollar Campaign Lost Its Cash Advantage
  • LA Times: The Beach Boys, tony Lido Isle, $150,000 tickets: A peek inside Trump’s Orange County fundraiser
  • NYT: Flush With Cash, Biden Eclipses Trump in War for the Airwaves
  • NPR: Trump And Republicans Raise $248 Million In September, Lagging Biden, Democrats
  • AP: The Latest: Trump tries to explain lower fundraising numbers
  • AP: GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, wife finance anti-Biden group
  • Politico: Biden routs Trump in September fundraising, $383M to $248M
  • NPR: Presidential Campaign TV Ad Spending Crosses $1 Billion Mark In Key States
  • Politico: Biden takes huge cash lead over Trump while outspending him 2 to 1
  • The Atlantic: Trump Is Running His Campaign Like He Ran His Businesses
  • NYT: How Trump’s Billion-Dollar Campaign Lost Its Cash Advantage
  • CNN: This is Joe Biden’s best electoral path
  • Axios: Scoop: Trump’s advisers brace for loss, point fingers
  • WaPo Analysis: For Trump to win, his campaign manager thinks he has to carry a state where he’s down 7 points
  • NYT: Trump Defectors Help Biden Build Leads in Wisconsin and Michigan
  • AP: Trump 270 path narrows, Wisconsin mirrors swing state plight
  • Politico: How Biden could end 2020 on election night — and why Trump’s path is unlikely
  • NBC News: The coronavirus ground game gamble hits the homestretch
  • Axios: Scoop: Trump wants to hit campaign trail every day through election
  • NBC News: Trump is winning the voter registration battle against Biden in key states
  • Axios: Bill Stepien: Trump travel, grassroots campaigning worth $48 million a week
  • WaPo: Trailing in the polls and in fundraising, Trump clings to one marker as a sign of success — crowd size
  • Politico: In final sprint, Trump makes stops his team never expected to need
  • NYT: Can Trump Squeeze More From His White Base in Pennsylvania and Beyond?
  • Politico: Trump’s Covid recovery puts MAGA on steroids
  • NYT: Republicans Are Spending $60 Million on a Digital Get-Out-the-Vote Campaign
  • NYT: Federal Appeals Courts Emerge as Crucial for Trump in Voting Cases 
  • NYT: 80 percent of election rulings by G.O.P.-appointed judges this year made voting harder, study says.
  • The Guardian: Black voters’ mail-in ballots being rejected at higher rate
  • The Guardian: Mail-in ballot tracker: counting votes in US swing states
  • NBC News: For Trump’s ‘rigged’ election claims, an online megaphone awaits
  • USA Today: More than 1 million people could lose their vote on Nov. 3. That’s the best-case scenario
  • WaPo: Biden campaign warns Trump could still win, says race is ‘far closer’ than polls suggest
  • NYT: Biden campaign advises caution, again, even as national polls favor the Democrat.
  • The Hill: Biden camp urges supporters to ‘campaign like we’re trailing’


But His Emails

  • NBC News: Feds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation
  • USA Today: FBI probing whether emails in New York Post story about Hunter Biden are tied to Russian disinformation
  • WaPo: White House was warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation to feed misinformation to Trump
  • CBS News: What we know – and don’t know – about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop
  • Vox: Trump team makes a suspicious effort to swing the election with purported Hunter Biden emails
  • AP: AP Explains: Trump seizes on dubious Biden-Ukraine story
  • WaPo: Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop: An explainer
  • NPR: Analysis: Questionable ‘N.Y. Post’ Scoop Driven By Ex-Hannity Producer And Giuliani
  • Daily Beast: Rudy: Only ‘50/50’ Chance I Worked With a ‘Russian Spy’ to Dig Dirt on Bidens and Ukraine
  • Vice: We Are Collectively Losing Touch With Reality and It’s Extremely Obvious
  • WaPo-Opinion: Trump’s fake new Biden scandal has a deeper purpose. Bannon revealed it.
  • Vice: We Are Collectively Losing Touch With Reality and It’s Extremely Obvious
  • NYT: Facebook and Twitter Dodge a 2016 Repeat, and Ignite a 2020 Firestorm
  • WaPo – Opinion: How Twitter and Facebook’s attempt to squelch a dubious Biden story backfired
  • CNBC: Biden says Trump is ‘going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at me,’ after Hunter Biden stories spark Facebook, Twitter backlash 
  • Politico: Biden campaign lashes out at New York Post 
  • WaPo: Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop: An explainer
  • NYT: Trump Runs the Kind of Campaign He Likes, but Not the One He Might Need
  • AP: Biden email episode illustrates risk to Trump from Giuliani
  • NPR: Poll: Biden Takes Double-Digit Lead Over Trump
  • WaPo: Trump struggles to mount clear closing argument against Biden, careening toward Election Day with disjointed message
  • Pew Research: Amid Campaign Turmoil, Biden Holds Wide Leads on Coronavirus, Unifying the Country
  • Gallup: Americans View Biden as Likable, Honest; Trump, as Strong