“Kenosha vs. Convention.” | Crooked Media
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August 27, 2020
Pod Save America
“Kenosha vs. Convention.”

In This Episode

The protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the police shooting of Jacob Blake provide the backdrop to a Republican National Convention where the party tries its hardest to stoke division and deny reality. Then Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes talks to Jon about police brutality, the protests, and what Joe Biden needs to do to win Wisconsin.


Click here to learn more about and donate to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund, which is supporting protesters in Kenosha.


Show notes


Context of the RNC 

  • CBS Chicago: [VIDEO] ‘My Son Matters,’ Jacob Blake’s Father Says; Attorney Says Blake’s Spinal Cord Was Severed When Kenosha Police Shot Him 
  • CNN: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris say they spoke to Jacob Blake’s family 
  • NBC: Biden condemns police shooting of Jacob Blake, Harris says Pence ‘nothing but lies’ at RNC 
  • The Guardian: Kenosha: teen charged with murder after two Black LIves Matter protesters killed
  • NYT: Arrest in Overnight Shooting During Unrest in Kenosha, Wis. 
  • CNN: Second video of Jacob Blake’s shooting surfaces
  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says 2 Kenosha deaths are ‘because of Tony Evers’ actions’ 
  • Slate: Kenosha Police Chief Blames Protesters for Their Own Deaths, Defends Vigilante Groups
  • AP: 17-year-old arrested after 2 killed during unrest in Kenosha 
  • CBS Chicago: Kenosha Shooting: Video Shows Suspected Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse Being Allowed to Leave Scene 
  • CBS: Federal agents being sent to Kenosha, Wisconsin, after protests turn deadly 
  • Politico: Boycott: NBA playoff games called off amid player protest
  • WaPo: NBA playoffs come to a halt: Games postponed as players protest social injustice 
  • Politico: Wisconsin governor declares emergency after police shooting of Blake
  • WaPo: Protests erupt over the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin
  • WUWM: Evers Calls Special Session On Police Reform; National Guard Deployed To Kenosha
  • USA Today: Police shooting of Jacob Blake: Protests erupt, Wisconsin DOJ to investigate
  • WDJT: Milwaukee Freedom Fund extending support to those protesting in Kenosha 



Republican National Convention

  • NYT: R.N.C. Revives a Trump Persona: Reality-TV Prize Giver 
  • The Guardian: RNC 2020: a two-hour glimpse into the upside-down world of Trump TV 
  • Salon-Opinion: The 2020 RNC isn’t a political convention– it’s a celebration of the Trump cult 
  • VOX- Ezra Klein Opinion: A loyalty test for the GOP, a reality test for the country 
  • CNBC: Republican National Convention kicks off with a near spiritual devotion to Trump 
  • CNN: Republicans pitch Trump as an empathetic leader protecting the country from Democrats on convention’s first night 
  • CNN: Trump-centric convention to emphasize Republicans’ party of one
  • WaPo: Republican convention speakers share dark vision of Democrats and praise Trump’s character 
  • Vox: The RNC keeps referring to Covid-19 in the past tense. 1,147 American deaths were reported Tuesday.
  • WaPo: Trump uses Republican convention to try to rewrite coronavirus history, casting himself as lifesaving hero
  • Politico: RNC tries to rewrite pandemic history, casting Trump as decisive leader 
  • ABC News: RNC praise for Trump’s COVID-19 response at odds with months of missteps: ANALYSIS
  • Al Jazeera: Republicans counter charges of Trump racism at first night of RNC 
  • WaPo: First item on the RNC agenda: Make the case that Trump is okay on race 
  • AP: SC Republicans Nikki Haley, Tim Scott cite racial progress in US at RNC 
  • Politico: A GOP convention surprise: Trump goes all-in on race
  • Wisconsin Examiner: The RNC hatefest and Kenosha on fire
  • NYT: R.N.C. Presents Donald Trump, the American Protector
  • The Atlantic: The McCloskeys’ Unsubtle Message to White America
  • NYT: The R.N.C.’s Not-So-Subtle Undertones
  • CNN: Kenosha unrest tests political potency of Trump’s ‘law and order’ convention message
  • Tampa Bay Times: ‘It’s a horror film’: Matt Gaetz warns of Democratic rule at Republican convention
  • WaPo: Trump and Republicans attack Biden as tool of the left, agent of socialism 
  • TPM: On First Night Of RNC, GOPers Pounce On ‘Cancel Culture’ In Unison
  • NBC News: RNC depicts Trump’s pandemic response as a triumph, paints dark picture of Biden’s ‘socialist’ America 



  • Politico: Political stunts, missed opportunities, and compassionate conservatism 
  • WaPo: Trump uses powers of government in service of reelection, with pardoning and naturalization ceremonies
  • WaPo: GOP faces questions about vetting after abruptly canceling convention speaker who promoted anti-Semitic tweet
  • Slate: School Choice Was the Main Policy Mentioned at Monday’s RNC. Why? 
  • WaPo: Natalie Harp said Trump saved her life. Experts doubt that’s true.
  • Politico: GOP touts Trump as abortion foe amid graphic accounts 
  • Slate: A Guide to All the RNC Speakers Who Aren’t Politicians 


Night One 

  • CNN: Transcript: Tim Scott’s RNC remarks
  • Vox: Why Tim Scott’s hopeful address was the RNC’s best speech
  • NYT: Tim Scott offered his own optimistic biography after a night of doom. 
  • LA Times: Sen. Tim Scott offers his personal story at RNC as counterpoint to Democrats’ agenda
  • CNN: Transcript: Nikki Haley’s RNC speech
  • Vox: 5 winners and 2 losers from the RNC’s first night
  • Reuters: Haley fuels 2024 presidential speculation with Republican convention speech 
  • The Atlantic: The Battle for the Future of the GOP Is No Contest 
  • CBS News: Nikki Haley defends darker tone of Republican National Convention 
  • Vox: 5 winners and 2 losers from the RNC’s first night (8/24)


Night Two: Melania’s Speech 

  • CNN: Transcript: Melania Trump’s RNC speech
  • Daily Beast: CNN Gushes Over Melania Trump’s ‘Moving’ RNC Speech: It Was ‘Extraordinary’
  • CNN: Melania Trump Rose Garden speech attendees not all required to get coronavirus tests
  • NPR: ‘People Are Anxious’: Melania Trump Takes On Pandemic, Protests In RNC Speech
  • WaPo: Melania Trump was praised for acknowledging racism. But she has also spread false ‘birther’ claims about Obama.
  • NYT: Melania Trump’s Unique Role at the R.N.C.: Expressing Sympathy on the Virus 


Night Three: Pence’s Speech and Other Developments

  • Chicago Sun Times: Mike Pence’s 2020 Republican Convention speech
  • NPR: ‘We Mourn With Those Who Mourn’: Pence Takes Sympathetic Tone On Coronavirus
  • WaPo: Pence joins other speakers painting Trump as caring and strong, Biden as radical
  • NYT: Mike Pence salutes Trump, rewrites virus history and frames the election as existential.
  • WaPo: GOP voters say they enjoy the ‘Trump Show’ but want to see a plan for second term
  • WaPo-Analysis: Trump isn’t doing much to shore up his weaknesses at this convention 
  • LA Times: Melania Trump gives Republican convention a ratings boost with 18 million TV viewers
  • Politico: Republicans revel in Trump’s prime-time convention surprises
  • WaPo: First night RNC ratings down; Fox sticks more with the show
  • NY Mag: The RNC Has Made a Compelling Case for America’s Imminent Collapse 
  • CNN: Republicans have an opening at the RNC. Will Trump TV do the job? 


State of the Race 

  • Axios: How Trump could pull off another upset 
  • CNBC: Coronavirus concerns fall and Trump approval ticks higher in swing states, CNBC/Change Research poll finds
  • Reuters: Biden gets no convention bounce after Democratic gathering: Reuters/Ipsos poll 
  • The Hill: Biden holds 1-point lead over Trump in new Texas poll 
  • FiveThirtyEight: Is The Electoral Map Changing? 
  • WaPo: Of course Trump can win 
  • CNN: Biden gains popularity in post-convention polling