“Let the healing begin!” | Crooked Media
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June 11, 2020
Pod Save America
“Let the healing begin!”

In This Episode

Trump prepares for a potential speech on race and unity by attacking an elderly protester and defending Confederate-named buildings, Republicans feel the pressure on police reform, and Joe Biden opens up a big lead in the polls. Then Stacey Abrams talks to Jon about the voting disaster in Georgia and her new book, Our Time Is Now. 

Trump’s Conspiracies

  • Politico: McEnany: Trump raised ‘legitimate’ questions with conspiracy tweet about elderly protester
  • WaPo: Trump draws rebukes for suggesting 75-year-old protester pushed to the ground in Buffalo was part of a ‘set up’
  • NYT: Trump Falsely Targets Buffalo Protester, 75, as ‘Antifa Provocateur’
  • AP: Trump pushes conspiracy theory about Buffalo protester
  • CNN: The 75-year-old Buffalo man seriously injured by police ‘had a good chuckle’ over Trump’s tweet
  • LA Times: Older voters put Donald Trump in the White House. Now some are having second thoughts
  • NYT: Wave of New Polling Suggests an Erosion of Trump’s Support
  • WaPo: In crucial Florida, some senior voters cast a skeptical eye toward Trump’s reelection
  • Axios: What’s driving Biden’s strength with
  • FiveThirtyEight: Are Older Voters Turning Away From Trump?
  • NYT: One America News, the Network That Spreads Conspiracies to the West Wing
  • NBC News: President Donald Trump tweets ‘antifa’ conspiracy theory that originated on anonymous blog
  • WaPo: What is antifa?
  • BBC: Martin Gugino: Donald Trump’s police scanner tweet fact-checked
  • NYT: That Trump Tweet? Republicans Prefer Not to See It
  • Politico: ‘Ugh’: Republicans cringe after Trump’s attack on 75-year-old protester
  • NBC News: ‘Haven’t read the damn thing’: Republican senators dodge questions about Trump’s conspiracy tweet
  • Axios: Trump aides despondent over Buffalo protester tweet

Conflict in the Republican Party, Trump still racist

  • Reuters: Senate’s only black Republican blasts critics of his police reform plan
  • WaPo: McConnell taps lone black GOP senator to lead Republican effort on police reform
  • Axios: Inside the Senate GOP plan for police reform
  • NYT: G.O.P. Scrambles to Respond to Public Demands for Police Overhaul
  • NYT: How Public Opinion Has Moved on Black Lives Matter
  • WaPo: The Floyd protests have changed public opinion about race and policing. Here’s the data.
  • FiveThirtyEight: How Americans Feel About George Floyd’s Death And The Protests
  • FiveThirtyEight: Is Public Opinion Turning Against President Trump?
  • Reuters: Trump may use executive order to address policing: White House
  • Politico: Republicans eye police reform — and search for Trump’s blessing
  • CNN: GOP operatives worry Trump will lose both the presidency and Senate majority
  • The Atlantic: The Price of Trump Loyalty
  • The Atlantic: Senate Republicans’ Big Trump Problem
  • Salon: GOP’s Martha McSally continues to lose ground in Arizona as she bets her political future on Trump
  • Roll Call: A lot riding on conservation bill vote for Gardner,
  • NBC: Trump to address policing Thursday as White House grapples with Floyd response
  • Essence: Known White Supremacist Stephen  Miller Rumored To Be Writing Trump Speech On Race Relations
  • CNN: White House is considering a Trump speech to the nation on race and unity 
  • Reuters: An Oval Office speech? Trump’s advisers torn over how to address protests
  • NYT: Trump Rebuffs Protests Over Systemic Racism and Calls Police ‘Great People’
  • NYT: The Army Was Open to Replacing Confederate Base Names. Then Trump Said No.
  • Axios: Trump says he will “not even consider” renaming bases named for Confederate leaders
  • Politico: Trump says he won’t consider renaming Army bases named after Confederate generals
  • WSJ: Trump Wanted to Fire Esper Over Troops Dispute
  • Bloomberg: Trump Ad Blasts Biden for Kneeling in Church: Campaign Update
  • The Atlantic: Why Trump Is So Obsessed With Antifa
  • The Hill: Trump to hold first post-coronavirus rally in Oklahoma
  • NYT: Trump Will Return to Campaign Trail With Rally in Tulsa
  • Politico: Trump to resume campaign rallies with June 19 event in Tulsa
  • Politico: Trump’s MAGA base finds its own rallying cry: Defend the police
  • Politico: Trump defaults to his safe space: Energizing the MAGA base
  • NYT: Trump Campaign Looks at Electoral Map and Doesn’t Like What It

State of the 2020 Presidential Race

  • NYT: Wave of New Polling Suggests an Erosion of Trump’s Support
  • CNN: Biden builds largest lead this year
  • CNN: Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading
  • WaPo: Trump campaign seeks apology, retraction of CNN poll showing Biden leading
  • The HillTrump job approval rating plunges 10 points in a month: Gallup
  • The Hill Democratic group’s poll finds Biden leading in five of six key battleground states
  • WaPo: Republicans fear Trump’s weakened standing jeopardizes the party in November
  • BloombergWith Polls Worsening, Donald Trump Flails
  • New YorkerWhy the Polls Are Alarming for Donald Trump
  • AP: 2020 Watch: Has Trump hit bottom? Polls show him trailing
  • Axios: Inside the room: Trump’s top aides plot new theme
  • NYT: Why Joe Biden Is in Good Shape (for Now)
  • NBC NewsPoll: 80 percent of voters say things are out of control in the U.S
  • Fox NewsTerry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay ‘in the basement’
  • NYT: Trump Will Return to Campaign Trail With Rally in Tulsa
  • Politico: Trump to resume campaign rallies with June 19 event in Tulsa
  • WaPo: Biden emerges with a low-tech coronavirus strategy: Masks and distancing, but no testing
  • Vox: Study suggests Democrats should be running more ads about Biden, fewer about Trump
  • Politico: Priorities USA expands TV ads in Arizona
  • NYT: Protests Reach Political Ads
  • NYT: Biden Pours Millions Into Facebook Ads, Blowing Past Trump’s Record
  • Axios: Biden’s digital advertising