“Mueller: The Season Finale.” | Crooked Media
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July 25, 2019
Pod Save America
“Mueller: The Season Finale.”

In This Episode

Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies for six hours before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, Democratic leaders remain hesitant on impeachment, and Joe Biden gets scrappy with his opponents over health care and criminal justice reform. Then House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff talks to Jon F. about the Mueller hearing and impeachment.

Show Notes


  • NYT: Mueller Rejects Trump’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Label and Warns of Russian Meddling
  • WaPo: Mueller, in occasionally halting testimony, points to foreign interference and offers some sharp criticism of Trump
  • NYT: Mueller Warns of Russian Sabotage and Rejects Trump’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Claims
  • WSJ: Robert Mueller Defends Investigation as ‘Thorough’ and ‘Fair’ in House Testimony
  • Vox: Mueller’s testimony, and what it means for President Trump, explained
  • CNN: Here’s what you need to know about Mueller’s day
  • New Yorker – Neal Katyal Has One More Question for Robert Mueller After His Testimony
  • New Yorker – In Search of a Viral Moment at the Robert Mueller Hearings
  • Axios: 1 big thing: The Mueller moments that mattered
  • NYT: What We Learned From Mueller’s 7 Hours on Capitol Hill
  • WSJ: Key Moments From the Mueller Hearings
  • WaPo: 6 takeaways from Robert Mueller’s testimony
  • NY Mag – The 5 Biggest Lies Republicans Told at Mueller’s Hearing
  • Vox: 5 losers and 0 winners from Robert Mueller’s testimony to the House of Representatives
  • Politico: Here’s what surprised us during the Mueller testimony — and 4 other takeaways
  • CNN: 10 key takeaways from Robert Mueller’s testimony
  • WaPo: Robert Mueller kneecaps President Trump’s no collusion, no obstruction mantra
  • WaPo: Trump’s new ‘Article II’ comments illustrate stakes at Mueller hearings
  • Politico: Mueller walks back explosive part of testimony
  • New Yorker – Mueller Testimony: “The President Was Not Exculpated”
  • New Yorker – Mueller’s Testimony Strongly Suggests That Trump Would Be Indicted If He Weren’t the President
  • Vox: Why Mueller said he couldn’t indict Trump, explained
  • Vox: Mueller said Trump could be indicted once he leaves office
  • The Atlantic – Three Ways Mueller Says Trump Is Lying
  • The Atlantic – The Most Revealing Exchange of the Mueller Hearing
  • The Atlantic – Republicans Take Their Shot at Mueller—And Narrowly Miss
  • WaPo: On Mueller’s final day on the national stage, a halting, faltering performance
  • NY Mag – How Republicans Used Mueller’s Conservatism to Discredit Him
  • The Atlantic  Robert Mueller Kept His Promise
  • WaPo: Mueller answers Trump taunts in testimony unlikely to change the political dynamic
  • Politico: ‘Bob Mueller is struggling’
  • Politico: Mueller dodged lawmakers’ questions roughly 150 times
  • WaPo: Here are the times Mueller objected to Congress’s interpretations of his report
  • WaPo: Mueller muddies the water on why Trump didn’t face indictment
  • NY Mag – Adam Schiff Tells a Story of Disloyalty to Country, Greed, and Lies
  • Vox: The flaw in House Democrats’ strategy with Robert Mueller’s testimony, explained
  • New Yorker – Mueller Revealed the Conspiracy-Theory-Driven State of American Politics
  • NYT: Mueller’s Labored Performance Was a Departure From His Once-Fabled Stamina
  • Media Matters – Punditry on the Mueller hearing fell into the “optics” trap
  • The Hill: Todd calls Mueller hearing an optics disaster for Democrats
  • Columbia Journalism Review – MSNBC public editor: The Chuck Todd show
  • NYT: Asked to Put on a Show, Mueller Wishes You’d Read the Book
  • NYT: Robert Mueller, Caught in the TV Spotlight
  • WaPo: Mueller and Dems’ low-energy performance was an optics disaster!
  • Politico: ‘Euphoria’: White House, GOP exult after a flat Mueller performance
  • NYT: Trump Says Mueller Was ‘Horrible’ and Republicans ‘Had a Good Day’
  • NYT: The Blockbuster That Wasn’t: Mueller Disappoints the Democrats
  • WaPo: Trump says ‘we had a very good day’ after Mueller hearings end
  • WaPo: White House summit on social media gave a boost to key Trump supporters. They used it to attack Mueller.
  • Vox: It took the Trump campaign 2 minutes to lie about Mueller’s testimony
  • WaPo: Emails from Oppositeland: Trump campaign celebrates Mueller ‘confirming’ no collusion
  • WaPo: Trump again claims Mueller wanted to return as FBI director, an assertion Mueller disputes
  • Politico: Mueller’s finally done. Here’s how his probe lives on.
  • Politico: Pelosi rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop
  • WaPo: Democrats are now left with one option to end Trump’s presidency: The 2020 election
  • Politico: Impeachment drive slowed by Mueller’s stumbles
  • NYT: Full List: Who Supports an Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump?
  • WSJ: House Judiciary Panel Prepares Lawsuit to Enforce Subpoena of Don McGahn
  • Talking Points Memo – Pelosi Stands By Anti-Impeachment Position After Mueller Hearings
  • HuffPo: Mueller Hearings Don’t Sway House Democratic Leaders On Impeachment
  • LA Times – Mueller’s testimony seems unlikely to boost impeachment — but could vindicate Pelosi
  • Esquire: Nancy Pelosi and Her Caucus Are Slowly Moving Towards the Inevitable
  • Bloomberg – Democrats Fail to Gain a Mueller Jump-Start for Trump Probes
  • Roll Call – After Mueller testimony, Pelosi, Democratic chairs crack door on impeachment
  • The Atlantic – The Tragedy of the Congress
  • Politico Magazine – ‘A New Legal Argument for Impeachment’
  • WaPo: As Mueller’s testimony concludes, Democrats revisit an old question: Is Trump a blackmail risk?
  • New Yorker – “Accountability”? The Mueller Hearing Is How Trump Escapes It


  • WaPo: Joe Biden tears into Cory Booker and criticizes Kamala D. Harris as well in a shift to aggressively counter his challengers
  • CNN: Joe Biden fires back at Booker, Harris with sharp criticism ahead of Democratic debate
  • CNBC: Joe Biden says his campaign is ‘not a continuation’ of the Obama administration
  • WaPo: Medicare-for-all faces its moment of truth
  • Politico: Biden launches campaign blitz to shore up black support
  • NYT Op-Ed by Paul Krugman – Biden and Sanders, Behaving Badly
  • NYT: Sanders and Biden Fight Over Health Care, and It’s Personal
  • WaPo: Democrats’ health-care fight takes on a newly belligerent tone as Biden, Sanders go at it
  • LA Times – Joe Biden unveils his alternative to ‘Medicare for all’
  • CNN: Bernie Sanders accuses Biden of ‘misinformation’ in pitched battle over ‘Medicare for All’
  • AP: Bernie Sanders thinks media is unfair, so he created his own
  • WaPo: Biden announces criminal justice policy sharply at odds with his ’94 crime law
  • Vox: Kamala Harris just introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana
  • Politico: Harris and Nadler team up on bill to decriminalize marijuana
  • Axios: Kamala Harris introduces bill to decriminalize marijuana –
  • NYT: What the 2020 Democrats Said About Trump and Race at the N.A.A.C.P. Forum
  • NYT: Biden, Scrutinized for Crime Bill, Unveils Plan to Reduce Mass Incarceration
  • Politico: Booker lays into Biden’s record on crime
  • NJ.com – Biden hits back at Booker, with aide calling Newark PD a ‘civil rights nightmare’
  • Biden: Statement from Kate Bedingfield, deputy campaign manager, regarding senator Bookers role in the criminal justice system.
  • Politico: Cory Booker is all out of love
  • Politico: Biden bats away Booker’s criminal-justice criticism: ‘Cory knows that’s not true’
  • Bloomberg: Joe Biden’s Black Voter Support Challenged By Rivals at NAACP
  • Bloomberg – Joe Biden Is Still Acting Like It’s His to Lose, But Warning Signs Are Flashing
  • CNN: 2020 could be another ‘lesser of two evils’ election
  • CNN: 2020 Democrats say Mueller testimony confirms old truths as they turn back to trail

Adam Schiff