In This Episode
Sam, Clint and Brittany are back for the news. DeRay sits down to talk with program director Amy Roza, and students Donte Small, Ramieka Robinson-Peoples and Sekwan Merritt about their experiences in the Goucher College Prison Education Program (GPEP), which reverses the school-to-prison pipeline by providing college education to incarcerated adults.
Show notes:
Restore the right to vote in Florida
Goucher Prison Education Program
National Review: Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop
Vox: Democrats’ prospects in the 2018 midterm elections, explained
Washington Post: Report faults D.C.’s assessment of ‘rapid rehousing’ program
Baltimore Sun: Heating problems highlight inequity for Baltimore schools
NYT: For Many Public Housing Residents, It’s Cold Inside, Too
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