"Ring the Alarm" w. Jane Fonda and Annie Leonard | Crooked Media
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September 10, 2020
"Ring the Alarm" w. Jane Fonda and Annie Leonard

In This Episode

This week Erin Ryan and Alyssa Mastromonaco tackle the latest GOP attack on abortion rights (cc Ted Cruz). Then Jane Fonda and Executive Director of Greenpeace Annie Leonard join to discuss their Fire Drill Fridays initiative and why climate change is a feminist issue. Plus, how to avoid “jam hand” and other fruit related advice in Sanity Corner.

Jane Fonda’s book: What Can I Do? My Path From Climate Despair to Action

Fire Drill Fridays

Greenpeace International 

Erin’s Sanity Corner:

Luster by Raven Leilani

Caste: The Origins of our Discontent by Isabel Wilkerson