September 14, 2020
Hall of Shame
Throne of Lies (New England Patriots Spygate Scandal)

What A Day -- what’s happening, why it matters, and what you can do about it.
Rachel is cracking open that beer because football season is back! The 2002 Super Bowl was momentous. It was Tom Brady and Bill Belichick’s first with the New England Patriots and with zero seconds left, they upset the St. Louis Rams with a 48 year field goal! This game kicked off a golden age for the Patriots and their game was unstoppable. But as reports started to creep up about the Patriots secretly videotaping opponent’s sidelines, questions about their integrity started to arise. As the ol’ saying goes: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them; then there’s the New England Patriots who are dirty dirty cheats.