In This Episode
On this episode of X-Ray Vision, Jason Concepcion and Rosie Knight open the mailbag! In the Airlock (1:10) Jason and Rosie dive deep (deeep) into your questions, including what fandom they want to explore, consuming content during the strikes, superpower reveals, how watching affects mood, Saw Patrol, and more. Then in Nerd Out (55:45) friend of the pod, and co-host of Escape Hatch (formerly Dune Pod), Haitch pitches Warrior.
Note: Imprecise timestamps are an unfortunate side effect of a new ads system. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.
Tune in every Wednesday & Friday and don’t forget to Hulk Smash the Follow button!
Nerd Out Submission Instructions!
Send a short pitch and 2-3 minute voice memo recording to xray@crooked.com that answers the following questions: 1) How did you get into/discover your ‘Nerd Out?’ (2) Why should we get into it too? (3) What’s coming soon in this world that we can look forward to or where can we find it? If you’re sending a theory, feel free to send only a summary of your theory (no audio needed) for Jason and Rosie to react to on air.
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Rosie’s Horror Books IGN article.